We are pleased to announce that Association for Dental Education in Asia Pacific (ADEAP) has been officially established in last meeting which was held on 6th August, 2019 in Kuala Lumpur. Allen Ming-Lun Hsu was elected as President of ADEAP whi...
Prof Paganelli welcomes IFDEA supported delegates to Shaping the Future of Dental Education III

Professor Corrado Paganelli (Chair of the Board of IFDEA and Dean of the Dental School at the Universita Degli Studi Di Brescia, Italy) welcomes IFDEA sponsored delegated to the joint ADEA ADEE meeting Shaping the Future of Dental Education III....
IFDEA attends ADEA 2019 annual session in Chicago

Prof C Paganelli (IFDEA Chair) with members
of ADEE executive attending ADEA 2019
Prof Corrado Paganelli (Italy) Chair of the Board of IFDEA attended the annual American Dental Education Association Session in Chicago, USA on March 17th...
Registration for IWLC VI and Shaping III closes 31st March 2019

IFDEA users may be interested to know that online registration for both the ADEA International Women’s Leadership Conference VI and the joint ADEE and ADEA Shaping the Future of Dental Education III meetings being h...
Calling all dental educators in Low and Lower-Middle-Income Economies

Are you a dental educator in a Low and Lower-Middle-Income Economies? Are you involved in dental education of undergraduate students; have in interest in raising the quality of dental education in your school and country? Are you inte...